





 国際連合は、1999年に宇宙科学技術が人類の発展に貢献したことを記念して、10月4日から10月10日までの1週間を国際レベルで祝する「世界宇宙週間( World Space Week)」とすることを宣言しました。特に、10月4日は、1957年に人類初の人工衛星「スプートニック1号」が宇宙に飛びだし、宇宙空間の探査の道を拓いた日であり、10月10日は、1967年に「月その他の天体を含む宇宙空間の探査及び利用における国家活動を律する原則に関する条約」(宇宙条約)が発効した日であることを考慮したものです。

参考:国連世界宇宙週間( http://www.spaceweek.org/)


I will participate in the United Nations World Space Week JAPAN!

Do you know the United Nations World Space Week?

Events that celebrate the world from October 4th to October 10th every year as the United Nations World Space Week, celebrating the contribution of space science technology to the development of mankind, evoking interest in the universe by telling the next generation 86 More than 2,700 events are held in the country. In Japan, we formed the United Nations World Space Week JAPAN Evangelist, and more than 60 events were held in addition to the events to be held in October, and I will participate in this year. I believe that it will be an event that you can experience about "space" through food.


About World Space Week

Since its United Nations declaration in 1999, World Space Week has grown into the largest public space event on Earth. More than 2,700 events in 86 countries celebrated the benefits of space and excitement about space exploration in 2016. With our new Theme “Exploring New Worlds In Space” we aim to inspire even more events around the world in October 2017.

“The General Assembly declares 4 to 10 October World Space Week to celebrate each year at the international level the contributions of space science and technology to the betterment of the human condition”


UN General Assembly resolution, 6 December 1999

Reference: United Nations World Space Week ( http://www.spaceweek.org/)


Future dining table









●開催日時 10月22日(日)  11:00-13:00




※無添加 【1歳からのこどもカレー・甘口】キャニオンスパイス使用。※添加物・合成着色料不使用。※アレルゲン25品目に加え砂糖も不使用。※大人向けは中辛で用意。


※実習はお子様のみ、保護者の方は2名様までご参加可能 ※乳幼児や幼児のお子様連れでのご参加も歓迎です。



●参加費(お一人様):子供1,000円 保護者1,500円

●開催場所:渋谷区上原1-32-5 ロイヤルテラス304 (代々木上原駅より徒歩3分) 





Chazuke in space

《English follows Japanese below》













●開催日時:10月22日(日) 17:00〜21:00 ※入退場自由。

●参加費:4,500円  ※フリードリンク、フリーフード、ソフトドリンクもご用意しています。

●開催場所:渋谷区上原1-32-5 ロイヤルテラス304(小田急線・千代田線 代々木上原駅より徒歩3分)




Chazuke in Space

If you eat Chazuke in space, what kind of Chazuke do you want to eat?

arigato.kitchen cordially invites you to the Chazuke and Sake party in Tokyo of United Nations World Space Week JAPAN 2017.

I plan to serve some Chazuke of 47 prefectures which is chosen from published book of Chazuke last year.

I'm going to serve of seasonable Sake. I will prepare another foods as well, not only Chazuke.

Let's talk about "space" as a theme, and party is to eating Chazuke and drinking Sake.

Please come and join us with your friend on October 22th!


DATE: Sunday, Oct 22th, 5pm-9pm 

*You can enter or exit any time during the party. 

PRICE: 4,500yen  (Free foods, free drinks)

PLACE:Royal Terrace 304, 1-32-5 Uehara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 

*3 minutes on foot from Yoyogi Uehara Station of Odakyu-line/METRO Chiyoda-line

CAPACITY: about 15 people 

*first-come basis -closed when reaches the capacity.

ENTRY:To apply, please click here.


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